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Eng. Amir


Module 02 (Physics)


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Course Requirements

- Good Knowledge in M01 (Mathematics)

Course Description

This is a Comprehensive Course Includes all What the Student Need to Know to Prepare for M02 Formative and EASA Basic License Examination.

Course Curriculum

1 Matter
Preview 1 Hour17 Min

-What is Matter? -Basic definitions for Element, Molecule, Compound, Atom. -Atomic Structure and Atomic Particles. -Mixtures.

1 Vectors and Center of Gravity
38 Min

- Vectors and Scalars. - Vector Calculations. - Concept of Center of Gravity (CG).

2 Stress, Strain, Moment & Couple
54 Min

- Stress and Types of Stresses (Tension, Compression, Bending, Torsion, and Shear). - Material Behavior Terms. - Elasticity, Strain, and Stress-Strain Diagram. - Moment & Couple of Forces.

3 Levers and Mechanical Advantage
34 Min

- Lever Classifications and Calculations. - Mechanical Advantage (IMA, AMA). - Pulley Systems. - Velocity Ratio and System Efficiency.

4 Fluid Statics
27 Min

- Static Pressure (Definition and Calculation). - Pascal's Law (Definition and Calculation). - Archimedes Principle and Buoyancy Force.

5 Kinetics
1 Hour13 Min

- Kinetic Variables (Definitions). - Kinetic Equations (Most important Cases and Examples). - Uniform Circular Motion. - Pendular Motion. - Simple Vibration Theory and Harmonics.

6 Dynamics
34 Min

- Mass and Inertia. - Static and Dynamic Equilibrium. - Newton's Law of Motion. - Terminal Velocity. - Force (Definition and Types). - Types of Friction. - Inclined Planes.

7 Mechanical Energy and Collisions
38 Min

- Work and Power (Concept and Calculation). - Definition of Joule. - Mechanical Energy (PE, KE) Concepts and Calculations. - Collisions (Types and Calculations). - Gyroscope (Concept), Rigidity, and Precession.

8 Fluid Dynamics
40 Min

- Relative Density RD (Specific Gravity SG). - Pressure (Atm, Absolute, and Gauge). - Viscosity. - Lamina and Turbulent Flows. - Fluid resistance (Drag) and Streamlining. - Bernoulli's Principle.

1 Temperature and Heat
45 Min

- Temperature (Definitions and Scales) - Temperature Conversion - Heat Energy: Definition and Energy units - Specific Heat (Definition and Calculations) - Modes of Heat Transfer - Heat Conduction (Concept and Calculations) - Thermal Expansion

2 Laws of Thermodynamics and Thermodynamic Cycles
34 Min

- First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. - Cycles and Processes (Open, Closed, Non-Flow, and Steady Flow). - Work of Expanding Gas. - State Change of Working Fluid (Isobaric, Isochoric, Isothermal, Isenthalpic, Adiabatic). - Thermodynamic Cycles (Otto, Brayton, Carnot).

3 Gas Laws and Latent Heat
27 Min

- Gas Laws (Bayle's, Gay-Lussac, Amontons). - Ideal Gas Law and Boltzman Constant. - Latent Heat (Concept and Definition). - Sensible Heat (Concept and Definition). - Cooling and Heating Curves (State Change).

1 Light and Reflection
29 Min

- Nature of light (Concept and Definition). - Speed of Light (Calculation). - Electromagnetic Spectrum. - Law of Reflection. - Reflection at Flat and Spherical Mirrors.

2 Refraction and Lenses
25 Min

- Refraction (Concept and Definition). - Snell's Law of Refraction. - Total Internal Reflection. - Newton's Glass Prism Experiment. - Lenses (Concave and Convex). - Fiber Optics.

1 Sound and Wave
35 Min

- Waves (Transverse and Longitudinal). - Nature of Sound. - Speed of Sound (Concept and Affecting Parameters). - Mach Number (Concept and Affecting Parameters). - Doppler Effect (Concept and Formula).

1 Part 1
12 Min

2 Part 2
1 Hour5 Min

1. M02 Practice
2. M02 Practice-Solved
3. Formulas


Eng. Amir

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26 Students
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M02 - Physics


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